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Blogging Goals Update

Linda's Anniversary bouquet

Happy Blogging Anniversary Linda! You got me thinking about how my blogging goals have changed since nearly 2 years ago when I established my first one.

I began my first blog to satisfy a Statistics course requirement. The professor asked us to post updates as we explored our statistical analyses.

A dear friend made recommendations for tweaking the blog layout. Although I agreed with her, I felt frustrated and limited by the options at tumblr. She and another great writer friend recommended WordPress. Independent spirit that I am, I stuck with tumblr, and signed up for an account elsewhere; that sat idle as I hoped to figure out how it worked someday.

Then, Leni began a private WordPress site for a group of writers, and made me an Administrator! I got the most comprehensive book about WordPress, and rose to the occasion. I began my own WordPress blog to learn the ropes before I dared to make any changes or suggestions for the group site.

I was in a personal era of writing research articles. The ones that stimulated discussion about social justice moved me to post regularly, so my blogging goal was to aim for publishing an article each week on a social justice issue.

Many people recommend focusing a blog on one topic, but blogging supported my discovery that focusing on one topic is not in my nature. I flit from one to another, as freely as an expert juggler can throw and catch  bean bags. I considered sharing my recipes like PaleOMG, sense of humor like Little Miss Menopause, recommendations for writers like Anne R. Allen, and favorite authors like Chris The Story Reading Ape.

And I have also been writing fiction. My husband enjoyed it so much (and still does — he’s my favorite editor), he asked me to write a story every day for a while, and prompted me with a few items to get me started, like “your grandmother’s grandmother’s diary, a trunk, and an attic”. Eventually, the weekly prompts at Google+ Writers Discussion Group Weekly Writing Exercises replaced his, and I met Ronda.

Last summer, Ronda invited me to join the Google+ Saturday Scenes Community where writers share work that they are developing, and readers give feedback. After I read for a few weeks, I shared a short story that my husband had previously prompted. My commenters asked me about the character and more of the story, and when I discovered that I had answers to their questions, my River Novel began, which I continue to write.

As Linda continues into her second year of her blog, I send her hopes that it will be full of dreamy millionaires who will whisk her off to the French countryside under the stars for orgasmic episodes, as well as more of the same raw insight that she has been sharing. I put the power of my blessings behind her goal,

“May I have another blissful year ahead of me and continue to love what I do every single time I sit at this laptop, with the screen propped open and may I always embrace the feeling of drowning in the emotions that run through my body and it makes me want to type my entire day away just to share with the world what goes on in this almost always crazy, very rarely beautiful, never too broken world of mine.”

Today is My 1 Year Blog Anniversary! | Never.Too.Broken.

Thanks Carrie Bradshaw for sharing your thoughts as you celebrate.


Image Credits:
Composite of images from the Public Domain, by Grace Buchanan, Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND 4.0

14 responses to “Blogging Goals Update”

  1. Congratulations, Grace, and may year 2 be a dazzling success!


    1. Thank you susanissima. I’m feeling ready for year 3. Linda is the one charging into year 2.

      How are your blogging goals changing?


  2. Oh what a interesting series of developments! Congratulations on your wonderful work~


    1. Thank you Cindy. And thank you for all of the contributions that you make to the WordPress blogging world. You have a great way of touching on a wide variety of subjects with your photography.


  3. WOW Thank You for including my little blog in your article Grace – Much appreciated 😀


    1. Thank you Chris for including your big blog in the Internet universe 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A post of yours finally showed up in my reader!! This is a huge cause for celebration. I am fascinated to hear of the domino effect in your case of blogging history. Perhaps A domino will fall sideways and your husband will start a blog as well?? Please show up more in my reader even with little updates like this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First you and I play Monopoly, and now Dominoes! Yes! That was another one of my favorite games as a kid!

      I passed on your message to my husband. He is speechless. He’ll let me do all the talking for now, I guess 😉

      I hope that you continue to offer your full spectrum of writing styles.

      Thanks for staying near your Reader for updates.


  5. Thank you so much for acknowledging me! Since the birth of nevertoobroken.wordpress.com

    YOU have always been an inspiration to me! I appreciate your well wishes and all of the advice we have shared with one another in the past year.

    May year 3 go super fabulous for you, with continual creative ideas and may year 2 teach me all what I have yet learned. You are an amazing friend! Thanks so much, Grace!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Congratulations again Linda as you go into your second year, especially now that you’ve taken the leap and bought your “address”! May your year ahead outshine any that Carrie Bradshaw might invent 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you!! {{{HUGS}}} ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on Never.Too.Broken and commented:

    Such an HONOR to read and see the appreciation that a stranger that I met just one year ago, who has turned into an AMAZING friend had to say about me. THIS IS THE REASON why I am so grateful that I branched out and decided to take the leap into the Blogging World. Grace is AWESOME!! Thank you so very much! With sincere gratitude and appreciation, friend!! ❤ {{HUGS}}


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